2020 = 20/20
a sudden clarity of vision from a distance.
a moment in time to step back and reevaluate our trajectory as a whole. an opportunity to see clearly what was there all along.
an exposing of hard truths that have been swept under the rug to realize the true essence of what it means to be awake on this planet. that a global community of empowerment and collaboration is more sustainable than one of opposition and division.
a chance to be better versions of ourselves for one another. to reach out of our immediate circumstances to deepen our connection to other stories and therefore the earth. because we are earth.
a time to grow compassion instead of building walls and drawing borders. to honestly understand that we all come from the same fucking place.
2020 magnifies the call for a universal shift in course of action. a shift from oppressing, manipulating and exploiting humans and resources for the sake of progress, to advocating, rebuilding, and protecting for the health of all.
an understanding that the work we put in moving forward, the things we decide to dedicate our lives to, can provide a better quality of life for someone else.
we all have the ability to paint new strokes for a brighter, more colourful future.
what my stroke will look like -
advocating for bipoc by sharing personal content that digs deep into my own roots and spotlighting recipes and stories by other bipoc
becoming a better consumer by assessing who and what it took to produce a product before deciding to buy
continuing to push myself out of what’s comfortable to better understand the world as a whole
I hope we can all strive to do the same. it is now we heal collectively.